March 24, 2023

Thao Pham
Chairperson of the Board of Directors
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority

Dear Thao Pham:

Please allow me to begin by congratulating you on your appointment as Chair of the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA). I am grateful that you have accepted to serve as Chair of this Crown corporation given the important role it plays in the effective delivery of screening services for Canadians.

I would also like to thank the CATSA Board, as well as the organization’s senior management and staff for the efforts made over Spring and Summer 2022 to address congestion in Canadian airports, and for their collaboration with key industry stakeholders to improve service for passengers.

As you know, the rapid return of passenger demand, along with a tight labour market, have placed pressure on all aspects of the air travel system. While other industries faced similar situations, air transport was particularly challenged given the complexity and interconnectedness of the system, and the enormous numbers of people moved daily. Challenges during the summer travel season further convinced me of the need to look at the air transport system as a whole, including the delivery of screening services.

As you are aware, Transport Canada considered the commercialization of CATSA as a solution to best serve the interests of industry and the Government; however, due to recent discussions with the Designated Screening Authority and consultations with the industry, I am advising you that the commercialization process is on hold for the time being. Nevertheless, I do believe that we must move forward with some reforms to passenger screening services, and I ask that you work with Transport Canada officials to come up with measures to improve the passenger experience while maintaining the security of air transport in Canada. I encourage you to collaborate with Transport Canada and other stakeholders in the air transport system as appropriate in the following areas.

Improved Service Delivery

Over Summer 2022, CATSA’s wait time service level did not consistently meet the needs of the air industry or passengers during peak periods. Moving forward, I expect that CATSA will explore improvements to its operations to ensure that passengers are screened at service levels comparable to other jurisdictions, specifically with a view to improving passenger through-put particularly during peak periods. I expect that CATSA will also work with Transport Canada to advance the implementation of digital solutions and technologies before Summer 2023, and to explore the use of innovative solutions, including pilot projects in selected airports, to achieve these service levels.

As you know, the Air Travel Right-Touch Solution is a priority initiative in my mandate letter and, as one of the major operators at airports, CATSA’s active participation in this initiative is essential to its success. In addition, I encourage the ongoing collaboration between CATSA and my officials on defining a new risk-based screening procedure for Trusted Traveler lines as a means of improving service delivery and customer experience at top airports by Summer 2023. I would also encourage CATSA to develop aggressive capital investment and deployment plans for technologies such as CT, so the passenger screening experience can be improved.

The recent launch of CATSA’s Request for Proposals for Airport Screening Services Agreements is also an opportunity to seek improvements and greater accountability in the delivery of screening services while pursuing value for money. CATSA should endeavor to integrate lessons learned from the past summer into its new screening agreements. It will be important for CATSA to have clear operating hours and well-trained screening officers for a consistent application of the aforementioned higher service levels at Canada’s top airports. I also expect that the new screening agreements will advance Government’s priorities related to official languages, diversity and inclusion, and accessibility. Given recent and enduring labour shortages and the increased reliance on advanced screening technologies, I also expect the Agency to increase its training capabilities so that it can continue to meet screening demands in a timely manner.

Better Accountability and Integration with Other Air Sector Operators

The pandemic brought to light the lack of operational coordination between the various air sector stakeholders (e.g., CATSA, air carriers, designated airports, and NAV Canada) operating within the airport ecosystem. I encourage CATSA to actively engage, along with Transport Canada, in enhancing collaboration with airport authorities and other stakeholders, to find efficiencies that facilitate passengers’ journey. I invite you to propose creative ways to meet this objective, and work with my officials.

Screening that respects Canada’s diversity and inclusion values

Canadian society is diverse and constantly changing. We must continue to promote multiculturalism and do more to ensure respect for religious values and beliefs. In this sense, I expect CATSA to redouble its efforts in this area. It is important to listen to our citizens and engage them regularly so that our screening officers treat religious objects as well as Indigenous sacred and ceremonial objects with the utmost respect and care. CATSA also needs to pay more attention to issues related to the LGBTQ+ community by introducing better technologies and more respectful alarm resolution procedures. I would like CATSA to remain at the forefront of these issues and become the best example of the importance the Government of Canada places on diversity and inclusion.

CATSA’s next Corporate Plan should reflect how you propose to fulfill the above expectations, and you should keep me abreast of your progress on a quarterly basis in advancing these reforms. I look forward to collaborating with you and your team to address the ongoing challenges facing the air transportation industry.

I would like to again extend my gratitude to you, the CATSA Board, as well as CATSA senior management and staff for your service to Canadians during these uncertain times.


The Honourable Omar Alghabra, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Transport