As the federal authority responsible for screening at 89 designated airports across Canada, the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) remains focused on its mandate of civil aviation security screening.

Supported by a dedicated team of screening officers engaged through service agreements with third-party screening contractors, CATSA screened 57.6 million passengers in 2022/23, a 134.7% increase from the 24.8 million passengers screened in 2021/22, and 84.8% of the 2018/19 pre-pandemic traffic. This increase reflects the robust recovery of passenger traffic following a dramatic decline during the height of the pandemic.

The table below summarizes forecasted passenger traffic by fiscal year, as well as the estimated pre-board and hold baggage screening hours that CATSA expects to purchase from screening contractors, and the estimated number of screening officers that would be required to deliver mandated services.  

 Fiscal year

Passenger traffic

(in millions)

 Pre-board and hold
baggage screening
hours (in millions)

 Total screening officers*


2023/24 71.2 10.4 9,518
2024/25 74.4 10.8 10,334
2025/26 77.3 10.6** 10,196
2026/27 79.8 10.8 10,337
2027/28 81.8 10.9 10,489

* Note: the estimated number of screening officers is based on the number of screening hours required for annual passenger growth, an improved wait time-service level target in line with funding in early 2024/25 and the introduction of a 100% non-passenger screening model as previously trialed.

** Note: Despite an increase in forecasted passenger traffic in 2025/26, CATSA expects to achieve operating efficiencies due to process improvements and familiarization with new technologies.

As CATSA and the civil aviation industry navigate a new post-pandemic reality, the organization will continue to focus on key initiatives and innovations during the planning period intended to support and advance achievement of strategic objectives in three principal areas:

  • Service excellence and continued innovation – prioritizing security effectiveness, operational efficiency, an optimal passenger experience among Canada’s diverse population and sound asset management.
  • A diverse and engaged workforce – ensuring CATSA is well-positioned to recruit and retain talent in a competitive labour market, promoting an inclusive and diverse environment, fostering employee engagement and support, as well as transformative leadership.
  • Effective and proactive partnerships – engaging in proactive industry, stakeholder and government collaboration, consultation and community relations.

More specifically, CATSA will emphasize the following key initiatives over the planning period:

  • Meet or exceed the organization’s security effectiveness target while improving operational compliance and consistency;
  • Achieve an improved wait time service level at Class 1 airports on an annual basis by early 2024/25;
  • Continued collaboration and information sharing with Transport Canada, airport authorities, air carriers, screening contractors and other industry partners in order to facilitate a seamless passenger journey;
  • Support Transport Canada on right-touch solutions and a new risk-based verified traveller program;
  • Remain a critical partner in the pandemic recovery and post-recovery of the civil aviation industry;
  • The establishment and implementation of new Airport Screening Services Agreements (ASSAs) by April 2024, and the continued transition to the new screening equipment maintenance service provider;
  • Expand efforts, engagements and consultations aimed at supporting Government of Canada priorities such as official languages, climate change, accessibility, Indigenous reconciliation, 2SLGBTQI+ support, diversity and inclusion by adopting technologies and respectful procedures that respects Canada’s diversity and inclusion values to the extent that the regulatory framework will allow;
  • Implement the 100% screening standard for non-passengers (100% NPS);
  • On-going lifecycle management of capital assets while focusing on the introduction of computed tomography (CT) and new full body scanners at pre-board screening checkpoints;
  • Continue to enhance pre-board screening effectiveness and oversight through advanced analytics and the exploration of artificial intelligence; and
  • Continue to support and cultivate employee engagement, development and well-being.

This corporate plan includes strategic and operational objectives presented based on the assumption that the organization has sufficient funding and human resources for the entire five-year planning period. As part of Budget 2023, CATSA was provided with approximately $1.8 billion of supplemental funding over three years, which will provide an element of stability for the organization and facilitate a more integrated, long-term view to strategic planning.

It is important to note that external factors remain beyond CATSA’s control that may limit the organization’s efficiency and ability to fully implement its plans over the planning period. For example, CATSA’s ability to deliver any given wait time service level target is significantly impacted by the physical space allocated by, or available within, the airport for screening lines.

Furthermore, CATSA will continue to closely monitor the details around the Government of Canada’s initiative aimed at seeking an approximate 3% reduction of eligible spending by 2026/27, as well as a reductions in consulting, professional services and travel budgets.